Public Resources
Back Pain
Healthcare Professional Resources

Back Pain Videos

This section has information about back pain and how you can manage your back pain.

Back Pain Leaflets

This leaflet was developed by patients, for patients, with academics and clinicians and Keele University.
It answers the most frequently asked questions about back pain.

So you have back pain?

Back Pain Websites

It is well known that back pain can be a considerable problem for some people, with great costs to them individually and to society as a whole.

STarT Back is an approach which is carried out by your healthcare professional and matches patients to treatments using a simple tool to match patients to treatment packages appropriate for them.

  • Significantly decrease disability from back pain
  • Reduce time off work
  • Save money by making better use of health resources

Osteoarthritis Guidebook

This osteoarthritis guidebook is a comprehensive guide to what osteoarthritis is, how it can be treated and what you can do to manage your condition.

Osteoarthritis Guidebook

Osteoarthritis Leaflets

Osteoarthritis Guidebook Short Version

This is a shorter version of the osteoarthritis guidebook and is a useful quick reference guide to understand more about osteoarthritis.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis and you....there are things we can do.
This leaflet explains what osteoarthritis is and how people can manage it. It has been created by researchers and people with osteoarthritis. There is also an accompanying animation, which you will find in the osteoarthritis animation section of this website.

If you want to comment on this leaflet to make it better, please fill in our brief survey here


This project was funded by the NIHR Research For Patient Benefit Programme (PB-PG-0817-20031) and NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. 

Hand Osteoarthritis Video

A group of health professionals, patient representatives, rheumatologists and researchers collaborated to produce a series of short videos for both patients and health care professionals with practical information about hand osteoarthritis. The videos cover different topics such as basic information about hand osteoarthritis, the patient’s story, instruction for exercises demonstrating of aids to be used in and around the house, and splinting. The project was funded by EULAR and Keele University’s Impact Accelerator Unit.

The full course can be found here – Course: EULAR HPR Guide for Hand Osteoarthritis

You can watch Christine’s story of living with hand osteoarthritis 

With tips on how she manages day to day here

Hand Osteoarthritis Leaflet

This hand osteoarthritis information leaflet has been co-produced with patients and the public, clinicians and academic staff at Keele University

Osteoarthritis of the hand

Hand Osteoarthritis Websites

You can find out more information on the projects which have created these osteoarthritis resources.

This project was called JIGSAW-E – JIGSAW-E – Supported self-management for joint pain

And involved several European countries working together to support patients to self manage their osteoarthritis

Keele Pain Recorder App

The Keele Pain Recorder (KPR) is a mobile application (app) which was developed by patients for patients.

The app has undergone clinical trials and been subject to scientific evaluation. It records your level of pain, how this interferes with your life, mood, and sleep on a daily or weekly basis. It records how medication is helping your condition, or if you experience side effects. This can be shared with your doctor to help treat your condition via Email or through the app itself. 

With support from the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network (WMASHN)( and Stoke-on-Trent Clinical Commissioning Group ( the KPR is freely available to all pain sufferers.

Download via Google Play or on the Apple app store by clicking on the box below.

Dr John Bedson introduces the Keele Pain Recorder (KPR)

And describes its benefits for patients managing pain

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